
Active traders Bonus of Cashback ProgrammeActive traders Bonus of Cashback Programme

Active traders Bonus of Cashback ProgrammeActive traders Bonus of Cashback Programme

Active traders Bonus of Cashback Programme

Active Traders opened a Cashback Program where clients will be accessible to get cashback from every trade which they have placed on the Active Trader market. In the cashback, the clients will get the 20% on the swaps and a 20% reduction on the commission of share. If you would love to get the offer and make your future more bright use the link below.

Direct Promo Link: Active Traders Cashback Programme

Acquirable for: All Traders

Timing Period: Unlimited Timing

How to catch up on the chance of getting cashback?
* Make a request to join the program
* Trade where is the nation value of $50M
* Begin the trading and get the cash back on each trade

Terms & Conditions are applied to the bonus*

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