Get a PlayStation 5 from New Year Game 2023 - OctaFX
The Lunar New Year has arrived in the globe to fill people with fresh optimism and new opportunities. If you enjoy playing PlayStation 5, then OctaFX broker is offering a wonderful chance called the Lunar New Year Game, in which you may participate and win one of ten PlayStation 5. To take part in the bonus, you will be issued one ticket for two lots, which must be retrieved from OctaFX by making a deposit. As you gather more and more tickets, your chances of winning increase. So, click on the indicated link below to collect the tickets and claim the reward.
Connected Bonus Link: 50% Forex Deposit Bonus
Connected Bonus Link: Play a Lunar New Year Game
Accessible for: All Traders
Durable for: Limited Time
How to have the prizes of the game?
* Log in to your broker's account.
* Gather Tickets based on your trade lots
* Begin playing the game to earn rewards.
* Follow the rules to win the rewards.
Terms & Conditions
* The initiative has a time limitation.
* It would be apparent in the few counties where it is present.
* Traders must be registered and have made a minimum of one deposit.
* The reward will not be visible on the demo account.
* OctaFX has the ability to add or remove more Terms & Conditions
* Brokers have the right to deduct the clients without warning if they violate the regulations.