
Predict the Exact score & get 30 USD Bonus - Gann MarketsPredict the Exact score & get 30 USD Bonus - Gann Markets

Predict the Exact score & get 30 USD Bonus - Gann MarketsPredict the Exact score & get 30 USD Bonus - Gann Markets

Predict the Exact score & get 30 USD Bonus - Gann Markets

There is a Prediction Bonus offered by the Gann markets to their new and existing traders. On the next 24 November, Switzerland - Cameroon will play a FIFA World cup match, the bonus is based on that match, so people will need to predict a team name from them who will be the winner. If your provided team name will win the match then you will get the 30 USD bonus. To participate in the campaign you are required to make comment on their Instagram post with the predicted name and your Gann markets account name. So, make the comment and get the bonus by using the mentioned link below.

Direct Bonus Link: Predict the Exact score & get 30 USD Bonus

Obtainable for: New & existing traders

Bonus Period: Limited Time

How to receive the mentioned bonus?
* Comment on the Instagram post with the predicted name
* In the meantime include your Gann Markets account name in the comment
* Always be updated on social media, after selecting your name you will get the 30 USD
* The usual withdrawal steps and conditions will be applied here

Follow the brokers usual Terms & Conditions*

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